Dragon Files Origins

About Us

Bailie grew up in Arizona and kept reptiles: two gopher snakes, a king snake and fence lizards. Bailie moved to Chicago to attend college and graduated in May 2020 with a bachelor's degree in Biology. During her college years, she volunteered before becoming an intern and a fellow for two years at The Morton Arboretum in the Conservation Genetics Department. In her last semester of college, she volunteered at The Field Museum in the Genetics Department. Her love for reptiles led her and her husband to buy a Rankin’s Dragon to have as their first pet. Because of her background in research biology, Bailie is knowledgeable about dragons and has become involved in many Facebook groups as a member as well as an administrator.

Daniel is Bailie’s husband who works hard so Bailie can give Smaug everything his little dragon heart desires! He oversees the website and generally all of the photography aspects of the website.