Available Rankin's Dragons
Current list of Rankin's Dragons available for purchase.
We had eggs laid on July 15, 2024, however, none of the eggs were fertile. We don't anticipate having any babies for the remainder of the year. Thank you for your patience and continued support.

Happy Dragon Owners
Important Information
We don't have any babies available at this time.
Dragons will be ready to ship approximately one month after hatch date. Pictures of Dragons will be posted to this page a week after they hatch. Contact us for an invoice or lock-in your dragon by purchasing now from the dropdown on the right. We will invoice separately for shipping.
You may email us at [email protected] or use the contact form to start the order process. Feel free to ask any questions.
Genus: Pogona henrylawsoni
Common Names: Rankin's Dragon, Lawson's Dragon, Pygmy Bearded Dragon, and Black Soil Dragon.
Terms and Conditions
Adopt with confidence! We aim to make sure every single one of our customers is completely satisfied. We guarantee the health of our dragons for 45 days. We are the only breeder offering this guarantee.
We are confident in the health of our dragons as we go above and beyond by feeding them dubia roaches and black soldier fly larvae which provide a more balanced nutrition profile than crickets. In addition, we start offering our babies vegetables in the first week.
If someone purchases a dragon from us and it dies from causes that are not the purchaser’s fault within 45 days of purchase, we will provide the purchaser with a new baby dragon. If we no longer have any babies left, then we will refund your money.
We promise to provide support for any questions or concerns you have about your dragon throughout your dragon's life. Please do not hesitate to contact us about any questions or concerns you may have.